Top Tips for Labour

Labour can be a challenging yet empowering experience for many women, so we sat down with our Expert Midwife + Lactation Consultant, Harriet Blannin-Ferguson from The Breast Help to discuss all things birth preparation. Here are our top 10 tips for making the most of your labour experience and your journey to meeting your little one.
  1. Diaphragmatic Breathe: Learn this technique prior to labour. It will be a useful, lifelong skill. Slow, deep breaths can help you stay calm and focused during contractions. Inhale the strength and exhale the tension.
  2. Movement Matters: Gentle swaying, rocking, or even walking can help ease the discomfort and encourage your baby navigate the descent through the pelvis. Use a gym ball to sit and swap, or
  3. Keep up your Hydration: Stay well-hydrated to maintain your energy levels. Sip on clear fluids and ice chips. Hydration drinks such as Hydramama can help to restore essential electrolytes.
  4. Visualise and Relax: Use positive affirmations and visualisation techniques to keep your mind in a positive place. In the moment you can switch off from why you are there - keep imagining meeting your beautiful baby.
  5. Support Team: Surround yourself with a loving and supportive team. Your partner, midwife, or doula can make a world of difference to your birth experience.
  6. Water, Water, Water: Consider a warm bath or shower to help ease pain and tension. You can get in and out of the water throughout labour as frequently as you would like.
  7. Music and Aromatherapy: Create a calming ambiance with your favourite music and soothing scents. Pick or create a music playlist that brings back happy memories.
  8. Change Positions: Experiment with different positions like squatting, kneeling, or hands and knees to find what works best for you. If it doesn't feel good - move into a new position!
  9. Consider using a TENS Machine. Lots of places hire these machines out now, which is great. They can help to ease pain, tension and direct your attention from contractions.
  10. Stay Positive: Trust your body's incredible abilities. You've got this!